Philadelphia Reflections

The musings of a physician who has served the community for over six decades

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Procedure for Images to Blogs.

Images to Blogs.

Move from Phone to Airdrop

Drag to desktop saved to Philadelphia-Reflections/Image file.

Then open a Photo Editor Program (Picasa) and Clean up images.

1. Find Photo in Google (make sure the is no watermarks or Copyrights) save image to desktop file Philadelphia-Reflections/images.

2. Open Filezilla

3. Enter Host:, Username: philad, Password: hnWsqtuNw1Hi.

4. In FileZilla: Local site section it should read /user/rossperry/ Desktop/Piladelphia-Reflections/Images/.

5. In the Remote Site: Scroll down to Public_html, double click to file open. Then Scroll down to an image, double click file open.

6. Drag the image you saved over to the Right to transfer the images.

Originally published: Thursday, August 01, 2019; most-recently modified: Thursday, August 01, 2019