Philadelphia Reflections

The musings of a physician who has served the community for over six decades

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Procedure Manual: Recording Documents for Blogs.

Recording Documents for Blogs.

Open Microsoft word online

Click New blank Documents

Then Click File, Save as, Rename, Enter name or Title of your Document and Click OK.

Create a word document by typing a document from the box or binder that we are recording. Then when a document is done Select the word document by Click Command A,

When the entire document is highlighted Click Command C to Copy it.

In a new tab open Scroll down the main page till you see the button NEW BLOG and click that open


That brings you to Modify a Blog screen,

Scroll down the page till you see and the section that says Blog Content, where you see (p class="firstDrop") click Command V that will paste your document into the Blog Contents.

Then you want to add Paragraph breaks so at the end of each line or Paragraph type

When done make sure you at the Title of your document at the top of the page where you see it say BLOG ENTRY Title.

When done Click Once to Modify

When everything looks good Click Return to Utilities.

Originally published: Thursday, August 01, 2019; most-recently modified: Thursday, August 01, 2019