Philadelphia Reflections

The musings of a physician who has served the community for over six decades

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Procedure Manual to Create a Book.

Procedure Manual to Create a Book.

Create a Blog or Blogs.

Create a Topic and place blogs into the topic that is relevant to the book you are creating.

Once the is completed, Click the radial button that is left of the topic Title.

Click to Modify this topic

Click "Table of Contents /Upload to Microsoft Word

Select the whole document Copy and Paste into a word document Save to file on the desktop.

Then you have to create an ISBN# for the Book.

Go to Bowker www.myidentifiers.com1 (877)-310-7333

Login: Gfisher Password: F166f166

Click My Account, Manage ISBN's

Scroll down till you See an Empty (ISBN'S)

Click on Assign Title and fill out the information.

Contact Ghislain Viau Creative Publishers Book Design (818) 518-4796

He will then Edit and finish the cover and send it to Lighting Source for you to approve.

Lightning Source:

Click Login: mijnosneve Password: f166f166

POD Client Services Rep: Raul Lopez (615) 213-4473

EBOOK Services:

1 (800) 937-7978

Credit Rep: Nicole Whittemore (615) 213-7577

Sales Rep: Jane Tiller

Once you are logged in to Lightning Source were it says "my things to do" the Title will be there of the Book you Create and you can review the Proof and order copies.

Originally published: Thursday, August 01, 2019; most-recently modified: Thursday, August 01, 2019