Philadelphia Reflections

The musings of a physician who has served the community for over six decades

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Procedure Rules for Philadelphia Reflections

1. All readible text goes into the blog column, so new ones are started by pressing the blue button "New Blogs" at the bottom of the utilities page of Philadelphia Reflections. It is reached by starting with www.PhiladelphiaReflections/utilities, preceded by setting up the computer with a "Utilities" button on the (third line) of the options strip above the yellow page, invoking New Blog, entering the Google Chrome feature, the Grammarly app, and anything else you want to be a permanent feature of a modified program. For example, the server may require identification and passwords, etc.

2. All intructions, groupings or routings are placed just below the Contents sections of Topics, Volumes or Collections, mostly Topics, by typing in the blog numbers in the little white boxes. If it's brand-new, you must indicate NEW Topic by pressing the blue button toward the bottom of Utilities page and giving it a name, and noticing the machine has assigned it a new number. As noted above, blog instructions of this type go into the TOPICS (or VOLUMES, OR COLLECTIONS column of the utility page, as appropriate. Instruction #1 leads you to think it should go into the BLOGS column, but that exception for instructions is needed to keep the machine from getting lost. This is the main source of confusion, but since you do it only once, it is no great burden to be sure it is in the correct column permanently. Write it down, and recheck.

a. Afterthought additional blogs can be added to an existing collection by adding them into a blank after the others. This will usually require a second resorting, accomplished by pressing the button called Re-sort and changing the artificial sequence number to a number between the two desired decimal sequence numbers and then pressing Resort.

b. Afterthought deletions can be made invisible (by setting the visibility button to O ) or removed permanently (just delete them from the little white box). Try invisible first, to be sure you want to do it.

3. Notice the three horizontal stripes at the top of the page. In reverse order, the bottom (third) line remembers complex commands permanently. The middle line shows the URL (call name) of the existing page. And the top line shows fifteen or so possible partitions. When you want to change the file (to introduce or change the active partition), just press the number of where you want to go, and the old partition will wiggle. That's the one you want to change, so type in the new number, and the machine will activate it by highlighting it and showing a new middle URL on the second line after it changes. Be sure the TOPIC (or whatever) is visible; this feature is only good for changing file numbers of the type you have clicked.

Originally published: Thursday, May 16, 2019; most-recently modified: Thursday, May 16, 2019