Philadelphia Reflections

The musings of a physician who has served the community for over six decades

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REPLICATED COPY of Who's Who in The East 1942-1943 Vol I Blakely, Stuart Banyar 03/13/19 12:28 am

Blakely, Stuart Banyar, physician: b. Franklin, NY., 14 Jan. 1882; s. Edwin Blakely, farmer, and Mary (Stuart) B.; ed. Oneonta high sch: Hamilton Coll., A.B., 1903, A.M., 1906; Phys. & Surg., Columbia Univ., M.D., 1908; m. Miriam V. Brothers of Cherry Tree, Pa., 1921; 1 dau,- Mary Stuart. Interne. Roosevelt & Sloane Hosps., N.Y.C., 1908-10; studied, Berlin and Vienna, 1911; med. prac., Binghamton, N.Y., 1912; during World War, Broome Co. Advisory Bd; tr., Binghamton Pub. Lib; mem. Binghamton Acad. of Med., Broome Co., Med. Soc., N.Y. State Med. Soc., A.M.A., A.C. S., Am. Assn. Obstet., Gyneecol., & Abdom. Surg., diplomate, Am. Bd. Obs. & Gyn. Club: Binghamton. Author: arts, in med. journals. Travel: Mex., Can., W.I., across Atlantic 7 times, Pacific once. Interest: local history. Protestant, Republican. Office and home: 16 Stratford Place, Binghamton, N.Y.

Originally published: Tuesday, March 12, 2019; most-recently modified: Monday, June 03, 2019