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Internal Medicine Newsletter: May 1974

Pennsylvania Pioneers Physican Review

The nation's first professional Standards Review Organization (PSRO) contract has been signed with the state of Pennsylvania by the federal government, according to Dr. Henry Simmons, HEW department deputy assistant secretary for health. The agreement calls for the Pennsylvania Medical Care Foundation to receive a federal grant of $250,000 to establish a statewide PSRO support center. The center will coordinate the development and Operation of Pennsylvania's 12 federally designated physicians' review areas. "It should be viewed by our critics as a model for large states like Illinois and Texas that had wanted to be single statewide PSRO areas," according to Dr. Simmons, who will direct the program. The Illinois medical community has criticized the multi-area state plan as inefficient and has announced plans to present an alternate program for federal approval.

Originally published: Wednesday, January 30, 2019; most-recently modified: Wednesday, May 22, 2019