Philadelphia Reflections

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Letter to Dr. Elliott Mancall from Dr. Harry Wohr Feb 18, 1982

Harry J. Woehr and Associates

Management and Consulting Psychologists

12th Floor, 1429 Walnut Street

Philadelphia, PA 19102 (215)567-0834

February 18, 1982

Dr. Elliott Mancall

The Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital

230 North Broad Street

Philadelphia, PA 19102

Dear Dr. Mancall,

I am suggesting that George R. Fisher, M.D. be considering as a for President of Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital.

George has an extensive and illustrious background in medical research, administration, and public service. His interests have evolved strongly toward medical administration, and his work in that area stands by itself. You will note from the enclosed resume that he has consistently developed his philosophy and activities in this direction.

I believe he would make an outstanding president of our College and that his public acceptance would be extraordinary. Additionally, he is well known in Philadelphia civic, medical a business environs.

I understand that you are a friend of George and Mary Fisher so that he needs little introduction to you.


Harry J. Woehr, Ph. D.

Adjunct Professor

Hahnemann Medical College & Hospital


enc. Resume to follow

Originally published: Monday, January 28, 2019; most-recently modified: Thursday, May 23, 2019