Philadelphia Reflections

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Letter from William F.S. Orner, Jr: 1985 Washington Visitation


20 Erford Road

Lemoyne, PA 17043-0301

(717) 763-7151

July 2, 1985

TO: George R. Fisher, III, MD

Walter M. Greissinger, MD

Robert H. Stanger, MD

FROM: Willliam F. S. Orner, Jr.

Director of Economic Affairs

RE: July 17-18, 1985 Washington Visitation

As we have discussed by telephone, the visit to Washington, DC is set for July 17 and 18, 1985. Reservations have been made for the night of July 17th at the Shoreham Hotel, Connecticut Avenue and Calvert Street.

Dorothy Moss, AMA Washington staff is trying to arrange a meeting with the Office of Technology (OTA) staff on Wednesday afternoon, July 17. The OTA is charged with developing alternative physician reimbursement methods.

On Thursday, July 18th we will be attending the meeting of the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (ProPac). That meeting is being held at the Shoreham Hotel.

Arrangement for dinner on the 17th are still being developed. I'll keep you informed.


CC: David H. Small

Dorothy Moss, AMA

Originally published: Wednesday, December 19, 2018; most-recently modified: Thursday, May 23, 2019