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Instructions for Gas Decontamination Personal.

Instructions for Gas Decontamination Personal.

CENTRAL DECONTAMINATION SQUAD will report at the City Bath House, South Stand Rock bottom Bridge. This Squad will be under the general direction of Dr. Florence Warner. Ladies will be under the direct supervision of Mrs. S. B. Blakely, and men under the direction of Sgt. Olin Smiley. This squad will be the only squad to receive warning under the “Yellow Signal” due to the distances over which most of them must travel to read their station. Their duties will be to receive and so to cleanse gas casualties as to make them acceptable to the hospital to which they may be directed.

DISTRICT CLEANING SQUAD: These squads will report to their local station immediately when the “Blue Signal” is sounded. A list of Stations and Squad leaders is attached herewith. Members should familiarize themselves at once with the exact location of their station, and the squad leader shall designate someone to act in his stead should he be unable to function himself. On checking in at the station assigned, squad leaders should at once assure themselves that the telephone facilities of the station are in working order. In the event that such facilities are not available, he should at once arrange for another phone nearby, station one of his squad members at this auxiliary phone, and notify the Control Center of the change.

Squad leader should arrange for a car equipped with approved headlights to stand by at his station. When alarm of gas is received by Control Center, this call will be referred to the nearest Cleansing Station; a “Flying Squad” of two men will proceed in this car to the location of the emergency, with their Gas First Aid Kit, and determine the extent of the disaster administer First Aid to Gas Casualties, and do such personal decontamination as they may deem in order. These “Flying Squadrons” Should be so trained that they can identify the gas, or declares it a false alarm if such be the can. They will report to the Control Center from the scene of the incident as soon as possible, and such aid as is necessary will be dispatched to the scene from that Center.

Only such casualties as require hospitalization will be sent to the Center Decontamination Station; other casualties will be cleansed at the Local Cleansing Station.

All “Incidents” must be followed through to their termination even though the “All Clear” may have sounded before the work is completed. Central Decontamination Squad will standby for sufficient time after the “All Clear” to assure that no causalities are en route.

Squad Leader Station

A) John Forbes Atlantic Station Glenwood and Belnap Ave 6-9956

B) R. L. Hefft Richfield Station-Broad Ave and Court St. 4-1715

C) E. S. Robinson Socony Station- Court and Fayette St. 2-9648

D) W. E. Klopp Socony Station Main and Emma St.

E) W. S. Hamlin Fix well Tire St. Washington near Hawley 4-9790

F) James Doyle, Jr. Gulf Station So. Main and Conklin 4-9666

G) Nick Demchak Richfield Station and Jarvis 4-4-9743

H) H. H. O’Leary Atlantic Stations Front and Dickenson 2-9781

Richfield Station Chenango and State 4-9853

Originally published: Tuesday, October 17, 2017; most-recently modified: Wednesday, May 22, 2019